The Day After the Day After the Day After the Day After the Day After Thanksgiving…

I’ve always loved working in education–granted, the pay leaves a lot to be desired (unless you’re an administrator–a fact that my piano teachers told me over and over again. “Be an administrator, sit on your ass and let the money roll in!” Seeing that neither of them ever wanted to be administrators, and they knew damn well I wouldn’t be a good one, I guess they were joking.) If you think I’m going to go back and try to diagram that sentence,..

My point? This is the long, boring sludge towards the holiday break–two weeks where I am now, one week when I was in high school, two weeks before that. I don’t get why they decided one week was good enough since they never closed the damn school down for inclement weather. Ice on the roads? School. A foot and a half of snow (LITERALLY)? School. Dumbasses try to commit arson Sunday night and the school smells like smoke? School. No air conditioning? Of course there’s school, because only three damn schools in the whole area had AC! (If the school was built after 1975, AC…and there were only three schools built after 1975 in our area.)

I didn’t mind it TOO much, but when it got really cold and the bus (we had three sad, old-ass buses) didn’t come and you couldn’t safely walk to school (our town is notoriously famous for no sidewalks), you either took your chances or trudged back home from the bus stop. And if your mother called the school about the absence? UNEXCUSED, because school’s ALWAYS OPEN!

There was one year that I braved the ice/snow and walked my dumb self to school…only to be met by a grand total of 5 teachers and 30 students (out of 350 or so). Needless to say, we watched a few movies that day–including Three Stooges shorts, so hey, win all around…until I had to walk back home!

If you’re thinking I had a point to this entry–I did, but I need more time to flush it out. Safe to say it’s not about how boring the period between Thanksgiving and Chanuchristmakwanzaa is! (Think holiday themed bad movie marathons!)


(Imagine a photo of a vintage TV turkey dinner here, since I can’t upload anything…)

I first reviewed Blood Freak in the summer of 2010, but considering how its premise makes it appropriate to the Turkey Day holiday I’ll rerun it like they used to rerun The Wizard of Oz every…


What’s that, you say? I’m delaying the debut of the “new, improved” Six Degrees of Stoogeration? Of course! But I have an excuse–the Zombies are on Conan tonight, and I can’t figure out what movie would be best to be the premier movie for the site. I really can’t decide between Flesh Feast, Blood Freak, or They Saved Hitler’s Brain. Perhaps I should flip a coin…