So…this is where it all began…

24.3.14 (Ten Years Ago…TODAY!)

My premise (or whatever you call the reason I’m doing this): is, well, because—that’s why!

Seriously, this is just something I’d do when I was bored—there’s only so much music you can listen to before it all starts running together (this was before the internet!)

My main problem—I’ve never written movie reviews.  However, I have graded plenty of music performance reviews and…that would explain why I took so long to do this.  I don’t know the proper form/format (and there is one!) and even if said proper form would be necessary.  All I basically want to do is play the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game with the Three Stooges.  Considering they were active from 1925 to (roughly) 1975, it should be easy enough to find both large and small connections.

In fact, one connection occurred to me at the very beginning—William Shatner!  Here’s another long-timer (even longer than the Stooges at this point!) and it was incredibly easy to connect Shatner to the Stooges in only one easy (cheesy) step!

Alexander (1965 TV pilot)=William Shatner+Adam West

The Outlaws Is Coming! (1965 Three Stooges film)=Adam West+the Three Stooges.

(Also, you get a bonus of not one, but TWO young Shatner photos…I never really thought of him as handsome–I was watching him act, but damn!

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