Your Moment of Halloween Zen…

See? THIS is how you do bad. You’d think that Lauren Bacall would have a sense of this–what was that movie she was in? The one with the curtains being a metaphor for something? Whatever. If you’re going to be bad, do it with style!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that this is what I like to call “70s Bad!” What’s 70s Bad?  Come on, have you SEEN the 70s?! I can’t remember much, but what I do remember? Was. Bad. The clothes, the hair, the TV/movies…oh, the music!  Well, I’ll let the good folks from K-Tel tell the story:

It’s got Starbuck, KC and the Sunshine Band, Walter Murphy, Elton John–who could ask for anything more?  The 80s wish they could’ve been this bad!

Dinner is Served 1972

I just can’t stop watching (and sharing) this video.

Because it is the best Halloween clip. Ever.

Happy Halloween, kittens!

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